Search results for 'credit'

Search results 1-10 of 153
Ashley Blatter
Sid Chhabra
Notes from Brussels: The Credit Suisse post-mortem
Engaging with regulators in Brussels about the FINMA decision to merge Credit Suisse with UBS and haircut AT1 bondholders.
Five reasons to consider Investment Grade Securitized Credit
Recent market events have shown that having a margin of safety is crucial. We give 5 reasons for allocating to Investment Grade Securitized Credit.
Lucy Best
Tom Mowl
Multi-asset credit
Enhancing investors’ asset allocation returns.
Securitized credit
Our product offering is designed to meet the needs of investors in both the investment-grade and higher-yielding space.
10 years of securitized credit outperformance
Strong fundamental performance should continue, with the higher rate environment and wider spreads creating a very compelling investment opportunity.
Private credit opportunities in emerging markets
We discuss how a selective approach to high quality EM private debt investments can enhance returns, while reducing risk and dampening volatility.